Sunday, September 19, 2010

Boredom Produces Artwork.

first attempt at space
Looking at the stars

So I was extremely bored Saturday and Sunday night around 1 am, pain pills make it so I cant sleep. So i decided to do a little work on Photoshop and here are the results.
Eyes are interesting to work with, because so much can be done with the pupils and the iris provides ample space for patterns and the high resolution image was fun to work with, simply because I could work with smaller patterns and adjust the pupil size while not fumbling with pixel ratios.
Note:all photos are much smaller than original. i normally work in 1280p X 800p

Thursday, September 16, 2010

2D and Photoshop: Be Inspired by everyday objects.

Often times its hard to find ideas and when you do find an idea for a project, its even harder to find a suitable character. This article gives you ideas on how to take objects from everywhere and make them one of your favorite characters. "Whether it’s a basil plant, the fridge in your kitchen or ice cubes in your drink, inanimate objects make a great base for new characters. . ."